Friday, October 31, 2008

photograph by Lothann on flickr

I got a make-your-own pinhole camera set for my 19th birthday. After it was put together (lots of swearing was involved) I happily took photo's of flowers, motorbikes and passing clouds.
Not that I have proof of this adventure.
I handed in my film to be developed wondering what the photos would even look like. When I went to collect them it turned out the film was faulty and nothing showed up on them at all. The only good thing was that I didn't have to pay.

So instead of my own photos (which will never be seen ;_;) here are some flickr favourites:

by Lespark

by Hlynur

by Hlynur

by Dave Ward Photography

by [Keith]

And a pinhole camera itself:

by Hlynur

Song of the day: Camera Obscura: Books Written For Girls (live acoustic version)
Not only does it fit perfectly with this blog's theme but I also really really love this song.

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little bird at 3:40 PM | 1 comments
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Zooey Deschanel

I keep meaning to get out the film The Go-Getter directed by Martin Hynes, but I am one of those people who go somewhere and forget what they were meant to be getting. People say to me 'what are you looking for?' And the thing is I know I knew so I wander around hoping to see what I wanted and ending up getting something else then remembering what I wanted when I get home.

Anyway I love her voice (it is like happiness for my ears) which led me to She & Him which now is leading me to want to watch The Go-Getter because any movie with M. Ward and Zooey Deschanel in it cannot possibly be bad. Am I right or am I right? So I need to go get it...har-di-har. (erm...sorry)

Zooey Deschanel: Baby, It's Cold Outside.
She & Him: Sentimental Heart.
M. Ward: Vincent O'Brian.


PdotS comments are nice :)

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little bird at 11:29 PM | 1 comments
Hullo :)
This is where I will be putting some of my favourite things, I will even share because I can sometimes be nice like that.
I mostly wanted to stalk my friend's blog.

My name is Kelsey, I like the smell of old books, I like old music and new music that sounds old. I mostly wear dresses and skirts.
I am not afraid of the dark.

little bird at 9:54 PM | 4 comments